National Aperture, Inc.

Phone: 800-360-4598 ~  Fax: 603-893-7857


We will be attending the SPIE Defence + Commercial Sensing conference April 13–17.

At booth #508, Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. For more information click here

Coating Information

  • *B-1: Polane™ Carbide Black, matte ~ .0004” to .001” thick. 2-4% reflectivity in the visible region and 96-98% emissivity up to 2.5 micron wavelength in the infrared. Vacuum compatible.
  • *B-2: Ultra Black, ultra matte, ultra deep unbrushed black ebonol. The surface is delicate and can acquire light sleeks even with the best of care, but several of these sleeks have negligible effect on the total reflectance. Vacuum compatible.
  • Krylon™: Standard " Krylon™ Ultra-Flat ". This is an excellent finish with emissivity above 95% for visible and infrared up to 16 microns. It is applied over our base B-1 coating.
  • Aeroglaze™: This coating is used only as a custom at this time. It is slightly deeper black and has somewhat less hemispheric reflectance than our standard B-1. (Vacuum compatibility unknown).
  • White: Polane™ Flat White. This coating is used for reflecting and diffusing visible radiation. Vacuum compatible.
  • *Standards are B-1 and B-2. Krylon™ 'Haze' overcoat is frequently used and is applied in-house for undelayed turn-around. Others are occasional customs that have been utilized.

Coating Selection Guide

  • In choosing a coating for subsequent use on a product it is recommended that you try out your closest estimate to make sure the absorption (or emissivity) is adequate for your application and that the hemispheric reflectance is allowable.
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Total: $0.00
